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Abbotsford paint preparation

Parking Lot Paint Preparation

Why Do You Need To Prep?

A good cleaning prior to your painting is essential to ensure the abbotsford painting preparation project comes out as good as possible. At Fuse, we have the equipment, crews and expertise to handle everything from 4 stalls to 4000 stalls.

By cleaning surfaces to prepare them for paint, We remove all dirt and any other substance that prevents a clean and fresh new coat of paint. Ultimately, we will leave your lines perfectly prepared for a fresh coat of paint!

Abbotsford Painting Preparation TD Parking lot

Our Experience

We’ve worked throughout the valley for a variety of businesses and complexes to ensure their painting jobs look great and last!

Some of our clients include TD, CIBC, Ray’s No Frills, Holaco Construction, City of Abbotsford, Downtown Abbotsford business association

Once your cleaning has been completed, we recommend contacting Western Line Painting to setup the painting. We are also happy to help arrange this and complete the project start to finish, just give us a call or send us an email! – Abbotsford Painting Preparation

Abbotsford Painting Preparation parking lot